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A couple of couples

4th March 2019
Oz Bigdownunder

My site seems to be trending very high in search results for "male escort for couples" at the moment. A fortuitous tweak of the algorithm has sent a welcome bounty of MMF seeking couples my way in the last week. Four couples to be precise.

Here's a shameless attempt to get the word couples into a blog post as many times as possible for the SEOs. Couples, couples, couples! Oh googliest one, please continue to bestow many more fun and well compensated voyeur sessions, bisexual threesomes, cuckold fantasies, and forced bi menage a trois upon me.

I beseech thy googliness, keep bumping my site to the top of page one for any and all of the above search terms.

They say "thou shalt not covet thy neighbours search ranking." but I've been researching some of the other top sex blogs for these search terms via alexa and checking how mine measures up. Not Bad!

On my home page I call myself the number one male escort in the world. If you google "male escort", you'll find I'm the top result for an independent. And for a lot of search phrases relating to duos and couples, I'm numero uno.

I'll do what it takes to stay where I belong, at the top. Blogging, banner exchanging, friend listing, soliciting articles and interviews, socialising my media, making deals with the devil etc. So I'll continue to spend a lot of time promoting my site. If that doesn't work, you'll find me at a dusty crossroads proffering my soul to the unholiest one.

Speaking of Beelzebub

Sandra and I wore our new latex we'd recently bought from the libidex pop up shop near Angel.

A shiny black catsuit for her ladyship and a black and silver striped vest for me with latex leggings that unzip all the way from front to rear allowing easy access to the Bigdownunder from any and all angles. Just the thing to gird my loins. The long zip is a handy feature when attending the kind of party where one never knows when one might have cause to quickly flop out ones todger.

I ran an errand last week delivering two latex nurses uniforms to Mistress Volga. She'd asked to borrow them from Sandra so I couriered them to her in person on my bicycle. Someone is about to get the very best private treatment. Mistress Volga will look amazing in either of those outfits and her bedside manner is likely to be equal parts irresistibly erotic and diabolically sadistic.


On a similar mission not long ago I borrowed a PVC coat from Mistress Eve.

The coat looked a lot like the one worn by Trinity in the Matrix.


This kind of thing.



As you can see from my Friends Page, I know everyone. So I'm often asked for introductions when someone needs a duo partner fitting a description given by a client. When someone needs to borrow a certain outfit or toy, I'm the man to ask. I'm always happy to help others connect knowing that these favours are often returned in the form of duos and recommendations to new duo partners.

Madam Helle and I were recently discussing our preferred methods for washing cum out of our ropes. I braid the rope and then seal it in a small cotton bag and wash it on delicate setting. Throwing the whole thing in the washer and/or dryer would result in a gordian knot of Alexandrian greatness. I then dry it on the radiator. Madam Helle dons rubber gloves and hand washes hers. I once read a forum thread titled "you know you're a sex worker when..." with contributors completing the sentence with their own examples of things they do which only a sexworker does. Espousing the finer points of bondage rope cum cleansing would be a worthy example!


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Author: Oz Bigdownunder

Australian Bi male masseur and escort for men, women, threesomes with couples and duos with female or transsexual escorts.
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Oz Bigdownunder
Oz Bigdownunder
4 years ago
Reply to  John

nice dress

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